The Mighty Thor

Quote1 After I kill you, I'm going to use those little silver things on your armor as serving dishes. Quote2

Appearing in "Champions of the Universe, Part Four"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Champions of the Universe, Part Four"

The Hulk and Thor are under the hypnotic influence of Moonstone, who has been promised more power if she can mentally break them. Bruce Banner is confronted by the specter that as the Hulk, he brings nothing but pain to those he loves. While Thor is confronted by the idea that he really is not unique and that there are multiple Thors and multiple entities have wielded Mjolnir. Thor breaks free first, defeating Moonstone. But Bruce is still haunted, until they are both transported by the Promoter to another world orbiting a black hole.

Solicit Synopsis

An Elder of the Universe wants to fight Earth's strongest hero—but will Thor and Hulk ever agree on who that is? Of course not! They'll have to run a gauntlet of impossible challenges to prove their worth…but what's really waiting for them at the finish line?

See Also

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