The Mighty Thor

Quote1 Do you hear me, sweet golden-tressed Thor? I've come to take my revenge on you! You tricked me in our first meeting -- seeming to be so young and innocent, so ripe for the taking! You caught me offguard! Quote2

Appearing in "Serpent From the Heavens"

Featured Characters:

  • Thor (Appears in flashback and main story)

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Serpent From the Heavens"

Thor has dragged Tyr back to Asgard and discovers the law that has been invoked. Sigyn goes to Loki and tells him the news of the vote and he decides to take a hand in it and frees Maurglon on Earth. The vote is deadlocked when a messenger tells Odin that Maurglon is free on Midgard. Sif comes in and breaks the tie by voting to let Thor go to Earth as he pleases. Thor flies to Earth to battle Maurglon. When he arrives he overhears a couple discussing him leaving her there to go to Boston for a job. Maurglon then bursts through the ground and puts the young couple in danger. Thor battles all the more passionately, finding inspiration in their love for each other. Later, Doctor Jeffries calls Blake to tell him the review is unnecessary now because of a budget cut that will close the clinic entirely.

Appearing in "Last Flight of the Valkyries!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Last Flight of the Valkyries!"

The Valkyrior are met by the Einherjar, the warriors of Valhalla, led by Harokin and now driven evil by Hela. Several of the Valkyrie fall in battle. Harokin forces their spirits to rise and slay the others. Odin arrives to find the Valkyrior dead and vows vengeance on Hela.

See Also

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