The Mighty Thor

Quote1 You did your job a little too well, Odin. Those artificial memories you planted in your people -- and yourself -- aren't shed so easily! As I recall, Loki needed time to adjust to his real body and powers -- and time just ran out for you and the universe entire! Quote2

Appearing in "Hold Back the Night!"

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Synopsis for "Hold Back the Night!"

Back in her apartment, Ericka tells the others they need to return to Seth's realm to rescue Donald, Tyrone and Ulik who are battling Red. Vizier hones in on them and whisks them back to the apartment. Needing the Asgardians in their true form in order for them to die when he destroys Yggdrasil, Seth sends Red to Utah to strike Thor's Hammer. Meanwhile, Seth launches an all-out assault on Asgard, the Rock Trolls and Yggdrasil. Ericka, Enchantress, Barry, Donald, Howie and the Frost Giants go to Asgard's defense, while Ulik, Tyrone, Freddie and Vizier, joined by Vincent, try and fail to stop Red who strikes his hammer on Thor's Hammer's peak, causing all Asgardians to return to normal. Seth growing to giant size, fights through the heroes until a restored Odin grows in size to match. The final battle for Asgard begins.

Solicit Synopsis

The final battle between Odin and Seth determines whether the World Ash will continue to support all life - or become fodder for a toothpick factory! Red Novell reaches for Thor's hammer at last, only to have his hand stayed by... the Gargantuan Gourmet?!

See Also

Recommended Reading

  • Collected in Journey Into Mystery: The Lost Gods HC/TPB #1

Links and References


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