The Mighty Thor

Quote1 Beware, Thor, for thy brother shall free himself from our father's wrath... and then shall you know the vengeance of Loki! Quote2

Appearing in "The Coming Storm"

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Synopsis for "The Coming Storm"

Don Blake is vacationing in Norway when a sudden storm forces him into a cave. He runs into a couple who are also taking shelter. After it stops they head outside and are confronted by an enormous rock monster. Don tells them to head back towards the cave while he leads the rock monster away. Don falls into a cavern losing his cane along the way. At the bottom, he finds a stick and in frustration slams it to the ground, transforming into Thor. He blasts his way out and forces the aliens to flee. During the battle, one of the travelers falls off the edge of a cliff and Thor tries to help her, but his godly attitude prevents him from trying to hard. Inside his own mind, Blake tells Thor to let him out to save her. He does so, and Blake and the two travelers head home, while trapped in Asgard, Loki looks down seeing that Thor has returned.

Appearing in "The Stone Men From Saturn!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Journey Into Mystery #83

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "The Stone Men From Saturn!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Journey Into Mystery #83

On vacation in Norway, lame Dr. Donald Blake sees Kronans landing an invasin force. Spotted by the alens, he flees, losing his cane and hiding in a cave whose back exit is blocked by a boulder. Finding a hidden door that leads to a secret chamber, Don discovers a gnarled stick, "like an ancient cane," that he tries to use as a lever on the boulder. Frustrated, Don strikes the cane against the rock. Suddenly he transforms into Thor, while the cane becomes the enchanted mallet Mjolnir. Thor easily lifts the boulder to escape but finds that if he goes 60 seconds without touching the hammer, he becomes Blake again. He also learns that the hammer returns to him if thrown and creates rain, snow, and lightning. The Kronans overwhelm NATO forces but Thor assaults them, holding them at bay, demolishing their Mechano-Monster robot and chasing their fleet back into space. Thor turns back into Blake. The NATO forces can't figure out why the invaders fled since all they see is a "lame passerby with a gnarled old cane."

Solicit Synopsis

Revealed for a new generation: the origin—and first year on Earth—of the God of Thunder! Who is the enigmatic Doctor Donald Blake? What is the secret that drives him to travel the world, seeking its challenges, and how does it connect him to the banished Prince of Asgard? Why has Thor been exiled to walk amongst mankind—and battle threats from beyond the stars? And before the entire saga is over, how will he react when confronted by the likes of Tony Stark, Reed Richards…and his devious brother Loki? Witness the legend reborn with a modern touch by Harvey Award-winning writer Bryan J.L. Glass (The Mice Templar) and acclaimed Eisner-winning artist Tan Eng Huat (SILVER SURFER: IN THY NAME)!


See Also

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