The Mighty Thor

Quote1 Anthony Stark (Earth-616) knew once Carol Danvers (Earth-616) made profiling -- and that is what it was -- the norm... how long until it was used by someone less noble? Against, let's say, Mutants, or the Inhumans, or anyone else deemed "unworthy"... or "worth" profiling? Quote2
Henry McCoy (Earth-616)

Appearing in 1st story

Main Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for 1st story

Carol and Tony continue their fight, until Carol punches Tony out of his armor. Ulysses is brought into their midst. His vision expands exponentially, showing everyone visions of several possible futures, including an invasion of monsters and King Thor fighting King Loki. The War is over. Tony Stark lies in a coma-like state because he had apparently been experimenting on himself, the Beast cannot do anything to help him. Ulysses has been accepted by Eternity and the other abstract entities into a more cosmic stage, and Carol is offered opportunities by the President.

Solicit Synopsis


See Also

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