The Mighty Thor
List of all notable quotes by or about Thor Odinson (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 The legend has come true! By the will of the gods, I am alive! I am invincible! I am -- THOR!!! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 83
Quote1 If they think they can escape... then they haven't reckoned with the Enchanted Hammer of Thor! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 89
Quote1 There! I've done my share of wrecking! Now, Loki, see what you can do to make mankind tremble! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 94
Quote1 We'll never be beaten! For we are... The Avengers! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 1
Quote1 My heart is torn with love, my father! I crave permission to marry a mortal girl -- the nurse of Doctor Blake -- the one known as Jane Foster! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 97
Quote1 Your power only affects humans! But I am the God of Thunder! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 2
Quote1 MORTALS! How like chattering monkeys you are!! Always gathering about those who want to be alone! Well, Thor has had enough of you! I have lost interest in your petty, puny lives! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 101
Quote1 Why do you sound surprised? Was that not my intention? Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 4
Quote1 If the Lava Men dare attack the surface, they must have a weapon more deadly than we suspect!! I must now learn what that weapon is!! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 5
Quote1 The time for words is past! My power shall now speak for me! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 106
Quote1 Wherever you are, Loki -- in whatever part of the known universe -- look to your defenses!! For nothing can save you now -- from the vengeance of THOR!! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 108
Avengers Vol 1 10
Quote1 Never have I faced such evil incarnate! Never have I been so anxious to strike out at it, drive it from the face of the Earth! Attack me at will -- I'll crush you both! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 111
Quote1 You think your strength impresses me?? You are but The Hulk... yet I... I am Thor... of ASGARD!! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 112
Quote1 You have the temerity to summon us because some ants in an ant-hill are in need of assistance? I know not whether to feel wrath... or amusement! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 12
Quote1 Loki will have had all this time to prepare for our Trial -- and yet, I must not waver! Whatever my fate, I shall face it -- like a God! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 115
Quote1 So be it! They shall find the Avengers resolute as ever -- mighty as ever! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 15
Quote1 Despite my every effort -- he beat me! Loki, with his sinister stones -- his cunning -- his deceit -- Loki has won! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 116
Quote1 Thor... defeated by Hercules...??? NEVER!!! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Annual Vol 1 1
Quote1 Forgive me, my father -- this is the only way! Know you, now and forever, that I am Thor, son of Odin, God of Thunder!! 'Tis an immortal of Asgard whom you love, Jane Foster -- and who truly loves you as well! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 124
Quote1 Perhaps -- 'tis best to end this way! Without my power -- I am useless! Now that my limbs have failed me -- nothing remains -- save death! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 126
Quote1 For one brief fleeting instant of eternity, a God hath dared to love a mortal! Till the universe crumbles, my heart is ever thine! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 127
Quote1 I saw thee nay, Emperor of Evil! One there is who shall fight for the Prince of Power! Let thy warriors gather! Let thy own awesome forces be assembled! Against them all, I shall prevail! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 129
Quote1 Every part of this planet upon which we stand is verily a part of Ego!' He is everywhere -- he is everything! He is a living world! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 133
Quote1 Though you surely possess the awesome powers of the distant future -- The God of Thunder doth possess the powers of all eternity! Still art thou no more than mortal--! And still am I son of Odin, Prince of Eternal Asgard! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 135
Quote1 Hast thou so soon forgot?? 'Tis the God of Thunder who doth oppose thee! 'Tis mighty Thor -- at whose behest the storm doth erupt -- the lightning doth flash -- the heavens themselves reveal their awesome majesty!! SO BE IT! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 142
Quote1 What witchery is here afoot? Verily, Matthew Murdock (Earth-616) couldst be my mirror image! But since I am I - and Matthew Murdock (Earth-616) a knave-- then, let there be a reckoning! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 30
Quote1 THE ENCHANTERS!! Possessors of the Living Talismen!! Most evil... most powerful of all living foes! But, though they be a match for Odin himself... we shall prevail! THUS SPEAKS THOR!! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 143
Quote1 And yet -- no matter what a man may do -- let him do it well -- that he may deserve the name -- of man! Though I have been reduced to this -- still shall I perform -- as best I can! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 146
Quote1 Speak no more! 'Tis all most painfully clear! Thine own powers -- combined with his -- now make Loki the most invincible foe of all! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 153
Quote1 But, if this be some sordid scheme, wherein to trick the Son of Odin... take warning, wench...! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 160
Quote1 Planet and man... now locked in deadly struggle! But, ere the battle be resolved... LET THUNDER GOD PREVAIL!! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 161
Quote1 Then, may thy first error, evil one... be also thy LAST!! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 70
Quote1 Vainglorious villain! Did he think to triumph over an immortal. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 172
Quote1 Mayhap, the day will come when men think of truth -- of right -- of love for all their fellows! I pray that 'twill come soon! For not till then will humanity fulfill its promise -- nay, not till then -- will man and god -- be one! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 173
Quote1 The Stranger! His vast power must ne'er be turned against the Golden Realm! Since he knows Thor doth exist -- he may follow me to Asgard -- unless -- I cause him to forget! And so I SHALL -- by making time TURN BACK! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 178
Quote1 Nay, Black Panther! Each man must follow his conscience -- and tread where it would lead him -- though the way be long and hard, and a thousand thousand demons bar his path! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 81
Quote1 O father Odin -- Lord of that which was -- of that which yet shall be -- let the elements reveal thy boundless power! Let the heavens themselves speak out against yon CARNAGE AND DESTRUCTION! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 82
Quote1 The Thunder God must fly once more! For there be wrongs to right - there be evil to avenge! Now let Dr. Doom beware -- for Thor now thirsts for battle! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 183
Quote1 I have seen -- INFINITY! I have solved the secret of the World Beyond! I know, at last, the reason why -- INFINITY MUST TRIUMPH! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 187
Quote1 Fear not, Lionel Dibbs (Earth-616). They shall not take thee in hand. Not whilst enchanted Mjolnir doth lie once more within my reach -- nor whilst Thor be still the God of Thunder -- master of storm and tempest -- monarch unchallenged of the winds that whirl -- AND LORD OF THE LIVING LIGHTNING! Quote2
Amazing Adventures Vol 2 8
Quote1 List, ye heralds of hatred and holocaust. We four be but the meekest harbingers of those who follow. Turn back thine armada -- or face the wrath of an Earth aroused! We have spoken! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 96
Quote1 So be it! This day - this hour - the Avengers shall invade the hallowed halls of -- Olympus!! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 99
Quote1 Tell me, noble Odin, beloved father, faithful liege -- wert thou certain that all thy precious pawns would survive thy planning and plotting? Or dids't thou not even CARE?? Quote2
Thor Vol 1 203
Quote1 A brave lad, that Spider-Man. Those who speak ill of him do truly lie -- for 'een Thor doth envy him his courage -- and doth pray his own doth ne'er fail! Quote2
Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 7
Quote1 I call upon the powers that be mine -- to create the thunder! Aye, and the lightning! Most especially the lightning! Let the elements clash and sway, spearing the protesting sky -- AND STRIKE!! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 112
Quote1 Nay... I am helpless to act, as are we all. For, if one atom of this cosmic jewel be violently destroyed -- so too dies Sif -- and all of us as well! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 215
Quote1 I dare challenge thee, Varlet -- for 'tis the duty of the Son of Odin to be victor over those who wouldst wreak destruction on this planet -- even if ye be his CLOSEST FRIEND! THUS SWEARS THOR! Quote2
Iron Man Vol 1 65
Quote1 Let this be thy final lesson, monster -- no man is e'er defeated till his last breath is drawn! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 219
Quote1 Speak, thou robed fops! Where IS he? Where is HERCULES -- that laughing lord of deceit? Quote2
Thor Vol 1 221
Quote1 If thou hast not the stomach for such battle, Hercules, thou may remain with Ares. I go to seek the Lord of Death. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 222
Quote1 To strike for the right, with one's blood roaring and one's prowess the measure for survival -- as we two have so often done with the Avengers -- why 'tis then that a man be most fully alive! 'Tis then that true nobility will out! Quote2
Captain America Vol 1 176
Quote1 HERCULES! Heimdall's eyes... he can barely stand! His skin is cold and clammy -- his body shakes, as though stricken with disease! By all the gods who live -- what happened to thee? Quote2
Thor Vol 1 229
Quote1 If ever a race were bred to violence and treachery -- to destruction and deceit -- such is the race called TROLL! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 237
Quote1 Fear not, woman: Thor doth look upon thee solely as an ally -- albeit a comely one! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 138
Quote1 And here, Immortus, standeth the Norse God of Thunder -- who doth detest firesarms! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 142
Quote1 Now, 'neath the open skies -- thou and I, hand to hand -- shall settle thy fate, once and for all! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 143
Quote1 All that be important is that we have failed in our appointed task -- and because of us -- the planet Earth is DEAD!! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 244
Quote1 But we must Zarrko! The Time-Twisters were defeated ere they could e'en be born -- thus there was no cause for thee to have summoned us to this century -- and since thou didst not summon us -- we were never here! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 245
Quote1 Thy words are certain, yet thy tone is not, giant! Mayhap thou art learning -- that my words are no "trick!" The other Avengers aremortal, as thou sayest -- but I am far, far more! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 149
Quote1 No one may know that more fully than I, Janet -- but while thou wert ill, I did confront, for the first time, an obvious fact. As the Son of Odin, I, alone, am near as powerful as ye others combined. Though that hath been a great boon to the Avengers on diverse occasions, it hath rendered me, in the english term, "a big fish in a small pond." I have remained with ye more from vanity than from need. Ye have prospered without me on other occasions. Mayhap, in my heart of hearts, I did not appreciate that. I am ever yours, if the need for me be true -- but 'til then---! Iron Man, wilt thou remain? Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 150
Quote1 I am young, but I grow older! Age will bring wisdom with it! In this, at least, I need have no doubt -- for when all is said and done -- I am the Son of Odin! THE GOD OF THUNDER! THOR, THE MIGHTY! Quote2
Thor Annual Vol 1 5
Quote1 AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! Death to Ultron! Verily, this night we shall avenge our slain comrades, or taste death's bitter cup ourselves! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 162
Quote1 I fear the Lady Sif speaks truly, Prince of Evil. Voice thy will -- and it shall swiftly be done! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 264
Quote1 Thou hast dared much, villain -- and, verily, thine hour of judgement hath come! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 165
Quote1 I shall leave thee alone with thy grief now, Bennet Barlow -- aye, and with this thought as well! Though thy brother lived in infamy -- truly did he die in glory! For how many other men have left a star to mark their passing? Quote2
Thor Vol 1 268
Quote1 Spider-Man, methinks thy knack for the arts of war doth rival that of my comrade Volstagg. Quote2
Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 70
Quote1 Balder -- is DEAD! Now truly Asgard -- and all the Earth must face the DAY OF DOOM! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 274
Quote1 Stand ye back, villains! Thor hath come to slay the eastern tyrant -- and none shall say him nay! He who tries shall taste the might of mystic Mjolnir -- and perish in the tasting! Quote2
Invaders Vol 1 32
Quote1 From this day, I renounce my place in the Realm Eternal -- and woe to any who e'er would strive to bring me back! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 278
Quote1 But, 'twas written, that Lady Sif should be Thor's beloved. Sif... now one in being with Jane Foster. Thus did the turmoil in mine heart come to an end. And not all the powers in Hades can ever bring it back. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 279
Quote1 Then so be it! For the honor of an oath -- for the comfort of an enemy -- freely doth Thor sacrifice a portion of Mjolnir's mystic might! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 282
Quote1 BY OD --! Nay, I'lll not swear by him who hath disowned me! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 283
Quote1 Yon dragon doth remind me of the Midgard Serpent... and verily... this beast may possess even more fury, if not true evil. Quote2
Godzilla Vol 1 24
Quote1 That other Asgard -- aflame as it was before! Nearly... two thousand years ago...! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 293
Quote1 And of all who live, said Mime, only you could instruct me in the ways of fear! And by all the gods above and below - you shall, dragon! YOU SHALL! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 298
Quote1 There be many Gods worshipped on this earth, Father Coza, throughout this universe... they are given truth by the strength of faith and thus, through belief and prayer, all are made true... all spring from the same universal higher force. Your faith is not misplaced. Go -- save yourself and the woman! You can! You have the faith! You have the strength! Go! Do it! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 303
Quote1 Ofttimes have I pitted my strength in battle against the green-skinned goliath... with no clear-cut decision as to which of us be the mightier! Perhaps this day, if battle be joined, a true victor will emerge! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 255
Quote1 Enow, demon! 'Tis a God thou must now contend with -- not some mere mortal! Thou hast saved me the trouble of hunting for thee, Nightspawn! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 307
Quote1 The snow -- it still falls! But how?! Have I not commanded it to stop? Can it be that for the first time in my life I am powerless over the elements? But why? Why am I unable to exert the control which is my birthright? Is there a higher hand at work? Can it be that All-Father Odin hath -- nay, not Odin! For what purpose would he work such deviltry? But there is one other possibility -- the mischievous hand of Loki! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 308
Quote1 Come, little one -- thou hast achieved thy purpose! Your murdered master hath been avenged! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 309
Quote1 Before you strain my patience to its end, release yon innocents -- or we shall do battle, thou and I, throughout all eternity! A never-ending strife without surcease -- with no quarter asked and none given! Make thy choice, demon! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 310
Quote1 Seethe, ye clouds! Crash, thunder! Flash ye spears of lightning! Rise and smite whoever wouldst dare usurp Thor's power! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 210
Quote1 You look upon me as a stranger -- an alien in thy midst -- and that is thy gravest mistake! Though different we be in degrees, thou and I, we are yet the same! And, too, you compound the error by looking upon each other as strangers, as aliens, as members of two separate races! But I say to thee... though different, thou art the same! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 311
Quote1 Odds blood! her face! What is the meaning of this? Did... he strike thee, woman? Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 213
Quote1 Truly, your power is fearsome, demon! It's no wonder mortals wither before it! But what matters this bitter cold flame of yours to one who has trod the icy wastes of Niffelheim, and endured the horror of the nether realms? Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 214
Quote1 I am the God of Thunder, Captain America... not subtlety! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 217
Quote1 I now call down the living lightning that be mine to command -- the roaring gale -- the full, unfettered fury of the storm! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 218
Quote1 Bah! Let these "friends" beware! I'll brook no threat to thee! So swears Thor! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 220
Quote1 The beings of one such realm -- regarded as gods in one era of Earth's mythology -- would now honor thee! On the glorious Rainbow Bridge they stand assembled -- every one a name out of legend! You have fought against some, beside others, yet to a body they do honor you as a warrior amongst warriors! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 279
Quote1 Your faith is failing you, Crusader. Your power fleeing. Your bitterness has failed to darken the light of goodness! And never shall mankind return to the vile intolerance you preach... and the vicious hatred from which all men seek so earnestly to free themselves! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 331
Quote1 My oath not to take life shall not stay my hand -- since you are already dead, monster! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 333
Quote1 This day Kamo Tharnn, we have recovered a lost friend and made a new friend of an erstwhile foe. It has been indeed a noble and meritorious venture. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 335
Quote1 No, grandfather! You shall not! Do you still think that your fate rests within yourself? That I have come all this way to discover a dotard seeking Valhalla through deception? You have called upon the Gods of the Icy North, and they have answered you! Now, your life... is mine! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 342
Thor Vol 1 343
Quote1 Time is of the essence. Mankind has few enemies as deadly as this one, and none that surpass the Dark Elf in villainy. You have spoken the name of Malekith the Accursed! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 345
Quote1 We shall need every bit of aid we can muster! Mere mortals would be helpless before the Sons of Muspell... but there be nothing "mere" about you mortal Avengers! If e'er your power was needed, it is needed now! Let the call go forth throughout the land! Let the Avengers assemble! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 249
Thor Vol 1 350
Quote1 I am finally resolved on the course of action I must take! And I will assist my step-brother, whatever the cost! The throne of Asgard must be Loki's!! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 358
Quote1 Look you, Loki, to the sky! For there soars the hammer of Thor and by royal Odin's decree, it must return to my hand. Nothing may bar its way! Not even the head of Loki! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 359
Quote1 Then follow me, you heroes... and let the hunt begin! FOR HELA BECKONS AND THE HEL-HOUND GARM AWAITS! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 360
Quote1 Although my power has been diminished far below that of the God of Thunder... still I possess powers and abilities far beyond that of any mortal frog. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 364
Quote1 Still, there is anoterh perhaps more worthy of the throne than I. One whose bravery is the equal of Thor's; one whose nobility surpasses my own. I speak of none other than Balder the Brave! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 366
Quote1 Come, bold assassins! You shall find the Son of Odin waiting for you in the dark. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 373
Quote1 Though I should perish a thousand times, monster, I will never surrender to mine enemies! If this truly be Thor's final battle, then let the skalds forever say that though his body failed him in the end... his fighting heart spurned every thought of defeat! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 377
Quote1 My sire was ruler of the gods, rash thurse! Odin was my father and the thunder and lightning are my birthright! They speak my name in whispers in the nurseries of thine icy home! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 378
Quote1 Only a fool has no fear, serpent, and I am no fool. But I have many names, serpent, even as you. Vingthor the hurler, Longbeard's son, have I been called. Hrodr's foe-man, too. In Tyr's ancestral home, wisest Hymir knew my name as Veur; unhappy Hrungnir's playmate some have called me. East of Elvigar in Gianthome they whisper Hloriddi's name. My father called me son. My mother called me darling. And beneath the vaults of Heaven, I am Thor Odinson, the Thunderer, Jormungand's fear! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 379
Quote1 You said it yourself, Jormungand! The trouble with godhood is that it robs you of your finer judgment! And that is why we will never be the same. You are a mighty fighter, but in the end, you are only a selfish creature, while heroes... heroes have an infinite capacity for stupidity! Thus are legends born! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 380
Quote1 Verily, devourer, though my body be broken and torn, my fighting heart spurns every thought of defeat! By freeing my soul you have handed me the means to victory -- for my spirit will never yield to one such as thee! Quote2
Mephisto vs. Vol 1 4
Quote1 Look out, you Giants and Trolls! Beware, you denizens of the depths and dwellers in the fortresses of evil! Gird up thy loins, you harbingers of death and destruction! Let those in direst need lift up their voices that I may hear them! The God of Thunder is loose and woe to those who would harry the innocent and the weak! For they shall have a champion! So be it! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 382
Quote1 Zeus, we did not come in search of war, but you have forced our hand! Olympus (Realm) shall know our wrath! Yea, and you shall learn why we be called AVENGERS! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 283
Quote1 Others may hold thy space-faring race in awe, and worship ye as cosmic deities -- but I do not!! Thou art rude, pompous, and utterly lacking in proper manners! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 387
Quote1 May are the wondrous sights I have seen! Many are the monstrous foes I have battled! But never before have I beheld such terrifying majesty! Such awesome magnificence! Nothing can compare with the limitless power of -- the Celestials (Race)! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 388
Quote1 We shall attend to you, brave warrior. And then Druid shall pay! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 295
Quote1 They were a team... and now the team is gone, loyal friend. None of our reserve members are available and there is no time to field and train a new team. I have notified the West Coast Avengers of our dissolution. Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 297
Quote1 Loki shames me, father. He is right! I found mortals to be possessed with a great courage and tenacity, e'en in the face of Hela herself! They are worthy of our respect and protection! The seed of godhood grows in their bosom and must be nurtured! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 401
Quote1 To save his friend, the Son of Odin would dare any danger! To the Black Galaxy shall I go!! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 406
Quote1 Methinks there be certain truths which are utterly beyond the ken of mortal and machine... and e'en the gods themselves! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 407
Quote1 The enchanted hammer of Thor can create a vortex that will carry us whither its master commands, to another city or another star! Reed Richards hath said that we must journey to the great anomaly he detected in the heavens. SO BE IT! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 338
Quote1 Behold the right prescription for dealing with yon miscreants! Take one sacred hammer... and bother not to call me on the morrow! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 316
Quote1 The Mighty Thor hath returned! Let the righteous rejoice! Let the wicked cower in the shadows! The true God of Thunder doth reclaim the power and glory which is his by the divine birthright of a warrior born! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 457
Quote1 It ends now, my once and former friend! Only the basest of villains could harm this fragile and innocent flower! Thou hast come to slay the mighty Thor... and slay him thou must! For, if thou dost fail... THOR SHALL MOST SURELY SLAY THEE! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 458
Quote1 Once I did truly think I was the mortal, Don Blake, who did have the gift of magically transforming into the God of Thunder. But 'twas only an illusion of your design, Odin, to teach an arrogant son humility. Then came the noble alien, Beta Ray Bill, whom you did grant part of my power, part of what makes me Thor. My mantle was even worn by one of Midgard, Eric Masterson, leaving me trapped within his frail shell. So many guises... such confusion. Pieces and bits. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 460
Quote1 Nay. No mercy from Thor. No mercy ever again. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 462
Quote1 I humble myself before your glory, and vow my undying fealty. Know that now and forever... mighty Thor is your dutiful slave. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 464
Quote1 Your face... there is nothing wrong with it. Nothing. Quote2
Thor Annual Vol 1 18
Quote1 Who dares summon the Lord of Lightning? Who hath need of the noble Son of Odin? The Mighty Thor, God of Thunder! Quote2
Thor Corps Vol 1 3
Quote1 Blood, my love. Blood... and thunder... and death. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 470
Quote1 AWAY, ALL! I will crush any who stand 'twixt myself and the high road back to Earth -- even you, father, if you stand in my way! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 472
Quote1 I think -- if you'll not press me to call you "master" -- Aye! I shall tarry with you for the nonce! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 473
Quote1 I gave up much, when I did depart the Realm Eternal. Friends -- father -- aye, even fatherland. Now I journey to a new home -- within another moutain -- an earthly one called Wundagore. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 474
Quote1 But this day -- you do face -- THOR! THOR -- he who wields the power of the thunderbolt in fist as well as hammer! THOR -- he who is the storm incarnate -- the tempest made manifest! THOR -- Son of Odin the All-Father -- and no less formidable for having turned his back on eternal Asgard! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 475
Quote1 First, I must make my shattered hammer whole again -- then it shall carry me to the once-hallowed halls of Asgard -- where I shall force the truth about Donald Blake from the lips of Odin himself! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 477
Quote1 I stand with you -- my friends! The Godpack circle is complete -- and woe to any who would seek to break it! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 481
Quote1 'Tis not the fair Morgan Le Fay from whom you shall require mystical protection this day -- for now you face the unparalleled wrath of the Mighty Thor! Quote2
Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising Vol 1 1
Quote1 Morgan LeFey bedazzled my senses and entranced my mind! Now shall she face the unfettered fury of a god enraged! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 402
Quote1 Nay, Blitziana. Though you have all been loyal comrades, my brief stay in Hel gave me time to reflect -- and to decide. If I cannot return to age-old Asgard -- neither can I now be a part of something so new as the High Evolutionary's Godpack. I mean to remain on Earth -- yet from this day forth, Thor must go his own way! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 489
Quote1 For I am lord of the winds...and the storm! Thunder and lightning are my hunting dogs...the rain is my whip...and when I must, I ride a great and terrible steed...the earthquake! Nothing mortal can stand before it. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 497
Quote1 So many such as he have I battled... Frost Giants, monsters of all manner once trembled before my might. And now look at me! Helpless! Pitiable! Once The Hulk would have been a true challenge to my warrior mettle. Once, a mere strike of my hammer would -- BRAKOOM -- It would appear, good Hercules... that even a god my believe in miracles. Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 440
Quote1 Yea, warriors. Sole survivor of the closing conflict. Dr. Robert Bruce Banner -- and all of Midgard proper -- have finally found the peace they both so richly deserve... the Hulk is dead. Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 397
Quote1 The sword goes to rot in my hand. But am I once again the Lord of Thunder? Yes. YES! Even now I can hear the Frost Giants breaking into the palace. Pity the Frost Giants. I sent them the lightning! The storm... and scatter them with the hurricane... to the last man. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 500
Quote1 'Tis a vessel to hold him we need? Then use mine -- my flesh and blood! The sinew of the Thunder God shall surely contain such a wicked storm -- and once it does -- you must show me no mercy! Only by felling me can you fell Onslaught! Quote2
Onslaught: Marvel Universe Vol 1 1
Quote1 You seek reaving? You seek battle? Then hold up thy hammer... and measure the strength of thy right arm... for the mettle of the Avengers is about to be tested to its limits. The battle against this deadly Loki may consume us all... and the hammers of the Thunder Gods are needed as never before! If battle is thy desire, brother, thou shalt have it... aplenty! Quote2
Avengers Vol 2 11
Quote1 A threat most dire, good Jarvis. An enemy too great for any of us -- and yea, too great e'en for we five together! Once more then, the word must be spread, and the battle-clarion must be sounded. in every corner of Midgard, then -- and the heavens themselves -- let the cry ring out -- Quote2
Avengers Vol 3 1
Quote1 Thou didst summon the Son of Odin - immortal of great Asgard! Speak thy piece and let all in attendance know what thou dost require of -- Thor, God of Thunder! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 1
Quote1 A base villain such as thou art unfit to wear the armor of one so proud! Nor art thou noble enow to carry the shield and colors of one whose every move defines honor! And how dare thee tarnish the garment of she who preserved the very life you sought to take! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 2
Quote1 We be much alike, Prince of Atlantis. Nobles, alone in the company of man. Wouldst thou care to partake of a tankard of mead? To sing of past glories and revel in lost adventures upon the high seas? To discuss the ways of mortal man? Quote2
Thor Vol 2 4
Quote1 Then my father and brethren are doubtless prisoners! Let them know that there shall be war unto death once more! SO SWEARS THOR! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 9
Quote1 'Tis most difficult to explain, Johnny Storm, but a feeling of sadness - of most tragic loss doth leave me heavy of heart. Quote2
Thor Annual Vol 2 1999
Quote1 N-Nay! This change -- shouldn't happen -- not here in Asgard! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 10
Quote1 At last, the time is come, Perrikus! FOR VICTORY -- OR DEATH! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 12
Quote1 Ultron. We would have words with thee. Quote2
Avengers Vol 3 22
Thor Vol 2 25
Quote1 The Wasp made mention of The Infinites in her report on the Destiny War. They were said to be a menace in our futures. Quote2
Avengers Infinity Vol 1 1
Quote1 Strong the servitors may be, but none are a match for the Son of Odin! Quote2
Avengers Infinity Vol 1 2
Quote1 When last we met, the battle was waged on thy terms! But if thou wouldst challenge the gods -- 'tis on the level of gods that war must be fought! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 29
Quote1 T-Tarene? Speakest thou, Destroyer! If, indeed, Tarene's life essence gives thee life -- this battle must go unfought! Verily, I must not strike thee! For the significance of thine everlasting survival dwarfs all other concerns! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 37
Quote1 There are more signs of life in the Caverns of Gundershelm. 'Twould appear to be a wasted effort. Quote2
Avengers: The Ultron Imperative Vol 1 1
Quote1 'Tis the saddest of all occasions which draws us together. The greatest of the great -- the most splendid of the splendid - hath been taken from us. Thus do we gather in respect for Odin. His word was law. His judgment sound. His honor unequaled. Without him, we are less than we were. Quote2
Thor Vol 2 41
Quote1 With thy countenance, I'll serve thee all with pride and honor -- as monarch! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 42
Quote1 Living as a mortal -- abiding by the civilized laws of Midgard -- hath tamed me! HERE -- and FORE'ERMORE -- does that affliction END! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 48
Quote1 Thou thought... to behead me? To cast Asgard adrift again so soon? Clearly, thou hast heard of the Bloodaxe of Skurge the Executioner, Desak! Fitting sure -- for it will be the DEATH OF THEE! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 49
Quote1 Let the eyes of Midgard turn fore'er upward to a new dawn! Let their vision be fore'er influenced -- and filled with aspiration -- by the glory and eternal richness of Asgard! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 50
Quote1 We came in peace, Spider-Man, yet thine own kind would annihilate millions to do away with us. And thou darest claim thou needst no guidance? Quote2
Thor Vol 2 51
Quote1 Thou claimest greater strength and power. Above all else, know this, Perrikus. Until this moment -- thou didst not know -- what true power is! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 53
Quote1 I would stop a potential murderer from taking a life here on Broadway... so why would I not do the same with a despot who'd brutalize thousands? A map's borders must not silence the cries of the suffering. Not when they need salvation. Quote2
Thor Vol 2 54
Quote1 I cannot help but wonder... if this nameless mortal, in his death, has set into motion events that will affect all that which is yet to come? Quote2
Thor Vol 2 56
Quote1 Those mortals died with my name on their lips. Such disregard for life is never to be tolerated. We go to Slokovia. Quote2
Thor Vol 2 58
Quote1 Young maiden of Midgard, thy language leaves something to be desired. Quote2
Alias Vol 1 23
Quote1 Jaekelsson!! JAEKELSSON!! 'Tis ON. Quote2
Thor: Vikings Vol 1 4
Quote1 Leave off, Amazon. I have the answer. They are all touched by power -- their master's, no doubt. Mighty Mjolnir can sense that power -- and follow it! Quote2
Avengers / JLA Vol 1 3
Quote1 Thor. Very nice guy. Wears a 56 long. It's snug on him, but that's how he likes it. Reads gardening magazines. And Modern Bride. Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 502
Quote1 My father is stern, Superman, but not stupid. A very few worthies have been allowed to overcome the spell, in desperate hours. But know this. Perhaps it was but briefly...but it was in good hands. Quote2
Avengers / JLA Vol 1 4
Quote1 I am Thor, Son of Odin! On behalf of my father, ruler of all Asgard, I command you to cease your attack and comply with my requests! Quote2
Thor: Son of Asgard Vol 1 2
Quote1 A... A... A... Avengers.... assemble... Quote2
Thor Vol 2 80
Quote1 Once we were children. Balder, Loki, Vidar and I. Sif would play with us. Loki is my brother and... I once loved even his mischievous nature. It seems now he is doomed to it. Quote2
Thor Vol 2 82
Quote1 Only death can save us now... and I will bring it. Ragnarok shall be by my hand! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 84
Quote1 And, as I gaze into eternity... I see nothing... if only I had a star to guide me... or a bird to show me a sign... for the moment, I think, I will rest... I'll lie still and silent. Strip my mind of thoughts... I shall close my eyes and breathe deep the slumber of gods... for awhile, at least... Quote2
Thor Vol 2 85
Quote1 Sif. Heimdall. Balder. Fandral. Volstagg. Can your souls hear me? Do my words find you, in the hearts of mortals? If they do, then hear this vow. I shall find you. Though I comb the four corners of the Earth in my quest. I shall find you. Quote2
Thor Vol 3 2
Quote1 Give your orders and ultimatums to those who choose to obey, or are too cowardly to fight. Not to me. Or learn again the difference between a God of Thunder -- and a mortal man in a metal suit. Quote2
Thor Vol 3 3
Quote1 Born I was a God of Thunder... son of Odin... but also a son of the Earth... a child of the Elder Goddess Gaea. Only recently I learned this, and rarely have I invoked that power. Or spoken with that voice. NOW LET THAT VOICE BE HEARD! Quote2
Thor Vol 3 4
Quote1 Nay, father. Some of us have been killing Giants today and aren't in the mood to have a tea party. Quote2
Thor: Ages of Thunder Vol 1 1
Quote1 Today we fight, brothers and sisters. Today we stand up and never, ever relent. Brothers and sisters -- prepare yourselves: Today we go to war. Quote2
Secret Invasion: Thor Vol 1 1
Quote1 Once, you swore an oath upon this hammer, which can pierce the Nine Worlds and penetrate the veil between life and death itself, that if any of our voices were raised in summons, you would come, though every force in heaven and earth stood against you. And I wonder... if it can still find you, there in sthe darkness... and you can still hear the words. AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! Quote2
Thor Vol 3 11
Quote1 As a founding member of the once-great Avengers, I say to thee, I have fought alongside Janet van Dyne in many a battle. Battles that have saved this world from destruction. It was my honor to call her teammate and friend. The halls of Asgard share your grief today, and they shall sing praise and rejoice that such a warrior ever walked this earth. The gates of Valhalla are richer today. Quote2
Mighty Avengers Vol 1 20
Quote1 Asgardians -- a toast. To one of our own. Against the hordes of Hel he stood alone. He defended the bridge at Gjallerbru so that we could pass and right a great wrong done to the innocent souls of Midgard. Raise your glasses. To Skurge the Executioner! Quote2
Thor God-Size Special Vol 1 1
Quote1 Well. I'm afraid I'm not in a position to disappoint him. To halt this invasion, you must lose this fight. Don't worry, I won't hurt you... but let's make this look good, all right? Quote2
Incredible Hercules Vol 1 136
Quote1 You little men in your little suits. That is all you ever do. It makes no difference whether you craft them from iron or steel or uru... there is no metal in your hearts. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 606
Quote1 Red. Thor shall smash Hulk! Quote2
Hulk Vol 3 21
Quote1 You might invent mighty and terrifying machines, Stark -- But they cannot be described as "durable." Quote2
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2010 1
Quote1 Stupid Stone Man. Thor remembers you. You tried to kill Thor when Thor first returned to mudball Earth! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 609
Quote1 I was king and defender both. It is too much. A single stroke leaves Asgard in a weakened state... and that's what led to this. You ruled Asgard, yes... but with its strength depleted. Your advisers were prone to mischief. It would not be that way again. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 610
Quote1 Even though we shared no blood. Even though so much blood fell between us... we were brothers. And let none claim to the contrary. You died well, Loki. You lived poorly. My brother, you will be missed. Your mischief will be not... I pray that this is an end of it. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 611
Quote1 I fear we are in the bowels of Hel, my friends. I fear we have died. And this is the punishment for all our sins and the sins of our fathers. Quote2
Avengers Prime Vol 1 3
Quote1 Loki! COME FORTH! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 616
Quote1 I will spit my defiance at you -- with my last breath! Quote2
Chaos War: Thor Vol 1 1
Quote1 Waves are but water. Wind but air. And though lightning be fire... yet it must answer thunder's call. Quote2
Astonishing Thor Vol 1 1
Quote1 Move against Asgard and you move against me -- and if you move against me, you move against Mjolnir -- which is profoundly unwise. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 618
Quote1 One lie -- or ten thousand! It makes no difference -- to the light of truth! To the divine lightning -- that burns away lies! Quote2
Chaos War: Thor Vol 1 2
Quote1 Because our story isn't finished yet. Because you still have a part to play. All-Father dreamed he saw you atop a steed, leading the armies of the dead... also, you are my brother, Loki -- and I would not see you dead by my hand. Quote2
Loki Vol 2 4
Quote1 Tony Stark of Midgard, King of Warrior-Builders. We say thee aye. Go forth and build us a city of dreams. And may we both be as fearless and resilient as the day is long. Quote2
Invincible Iron Man Vol 1 503
Quote1 Nothing good can come of that seed being here, Sif. Nothing. Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 1 1
Quote1 I am eager to go gift the great Galactus such pain he'll curse the day he ever heard the word Asgard. FOR ASGARD!!! Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 1 3
Quote1 You are already unique. And will ever be so. Another may resemble you, but he can never be you. Quote2
Astonishing Thor Vol 1 5
Quote1 I have thought long on those prophecies, brother: that you woud bring about the end of times; that you must one day lead the armies of discord against Asgard. What say we test the strength of the prophecy here by ending it before it begins? Quote2
Thor: Heaven and Earth Vol 1 1
Quote1 Silence. You want to die on Mars? I have no problem killing you on Mars... Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 1 4
Quote1 There are two sides to every possible future. At any point you may go onward or back... up or down... left or right. Heaven or Hell. Life or death. Quote2
Thor: Heaven and Earth Vol 1 2
Quote1 The question is the same for me as it is for you: who am I and why am I here? The answer remains the same as it ever was: Ask me tomorrow. Quote2
Thor: Heaven and Earth Vol 1 3
Quote1 Father, there are times I hate you with the passion of ten thousands suns. But I will escort to Hel personally anything that torments you more than I. Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 1 5
Quote1 Blood of my blood -- tonight is a fine night to die! Quote2
Fear Itself Vol 1 7
Quote1 ...And so I take my leave of you. Ransak and Karkas have agreed to be my guides to Lemuria... wish us every success. Quote2
Thor: The Deviants Saga Vol 1 2
Quote1 I am Thor, son of Odin, god of thunder. In all of creation -- in all of un-creation -- I require but one small thing to triumph over any odds...hope. Quote2
Thor: The Deviants Saga Vol 1 5
Quote1 I've already killed the Eater of Gods today. Do I look afraid of you?!? Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 1 12
Quote1 This is the price you pay, mortal. If you would live as lightning... you must answer to the God of Thunder! BEGONE! Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 683
Quote1 If we fail, whole worlds will perish, beginning with our own. Stand fast, my is as good a day as any to die. Quote2
Avengers vs. X-Men Vol 1 2
Quote1 The Phoenix is on a path towards Earth. Our homes. Our families. Our futures. It falls on us to stop it. To stand against this unstoppable force. I cannot say if we will live beyond this foe. I know only one thing with certainty...The Avengers will assemble and we will try. Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 1 26
Quote1 Perhaps you're right. Perhaps this is a mistake. But if it's not...if my one life can prevent the untold deaths that will result from their war -- then I have to do it. Quote2
Mighty Thor Annual Vol 1 1
Quote1 Good, good. Think hard. I shall be out there, fighting and dying. Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 1 15
Quote1 The Son of Odin surrenders to no man! Especially not one dressed as thee! Quote2
Wolverine and the X-Men Vol 1 12
Quote1 I've seen war in the heavens. I've seen gods suffer and bleed. I've seen immortal fathers subject their own sons to torments you could never imagine. I've seen Hel itself. But no... I've never seen anything like the horror in this god's eyes. Quote2
Thor: God of Thunder Vol 1 1
Quote1 For years I have witnessed this enmity between man and mutant. I believed the resolution to simply be a matter of time. That the inherent nobility of mankind would prevail, peace would follow. It is no longer a conflict I will stand by to let run its course. Whoever did this wanted to start a war. They will have one. This craven has earned the full attention of Thor, God of Thunder. Quote2
Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 2
Quote1 God Butcher! Can you hear me?! How many more of your dogs must I dismember before you come out and face me, you coward?! You want to kill gods?! Well here stands the God of Thunder! Come kill me, you worm! Come kill Thor if you dare! GOD BUTCHER! Quote2
Thor: God of Thunder Vol 1 3
Quote1 I know your madness. Your life is battle, and nothing more. This world is your battlefield, and nothing else. The blood roars in your ears and the song of it plays in your heart. What began in pain and rage is now lost in that sound. You fight because you do not know how to not fight. Quote2
Punisher: War Zone Vol 3 3
Quote1 Whoever thou art. Stand down! Or face the wrath of the Mighty Avengers! Quote2
Superior Spider-Man Vol 1 7
Quote1 This cannot be right. Perhaps this is one of those alternate futures that the X-Men are always going on about. Surely I do not grow up to become... my father. Quote2
Thor: God of Thunder Vol 1 7
Quote1 Nay. The time for words has past. Now we let the Hammers talk. Quote2
Thor: God of Thunder Vol 1 8
Quote1 You are a brave and fearsome warrior, and together we are sure to face many foes on many adventures... standing side-by-side in great battles, and the celebrations that will follow. But this is a giant. And I was born to fell giants. Quote2
Avengers Vol 5 13
Quote1 I have a priority delivery for you... get up. You need to sign that you received it. Quote2
Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 10
Quote1 The possibility of death enobles the people of Midgard -- beyond my capacity for awe -- with the risks they take every day in each others service. I bow to that. And now I bow to you. Quote2
Wolverine Vol 5 7
Quote1 Break them warlord... Strike like lightning on the darkest night, scorch the heavens... rain fire down on them. Quote2
Infinity Vol 1 3
Quote1 And what if I am not just a man? Quote2
Infinity Vol 1 4
Quote1 We ride until Malekith is dead. Or we are. Quote2
Thor: God of Thunder Vol 1 14
Quote1 Out there are gods and men and all creatures in between. They were born and all will die, but each one... with a purpose. Surely I tell you that the universe has conspired to put the world in our very hands. It is a test for titans... and only we can save it. Your entire life has led to this day. You were born for this. As was I. Will you join me in teach the oldest lesson of all? Quote2
Avengers Vol 5 22
Quote1 This is the first time since they met that our League hasn't been squabbling and threatening to kill one another. Now perhaps once they sober up, they'll go back to the way they were. Or maybe, just maybe... there'd be far fewer wars if we'd all just learn to drink with one another now and then. Quote2
Thor: God of Thunder Vol 1 15
Quote1 You attempt to enfog the mind of a god? Thine attempts are laughable. Also, thine attempts succeed. Tonight, I and my partner shall undertake the dreaded quickstep in a routine choreographed by Sonya Tayeh. Quote2
Deadpool Annual Vol 4 1
Quote1 By the power vested in me by the throne of Asgard, I, Thor, God of Thunder... condemn thee to die. Quote2
Thor: God of Thunder Vol 1 16
Quote1 You have stolen what is mine. Called this dread down from the far realms to destroy my home. You have twisted the rules of life and resurrected those better left dead. Surrender. Return Jarnbjorn. Or I will kill you both. Quote2
Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 16
Quote1 Hear me, man of Roxxon, and mark well the words of Thor. Anyone who threatens Midgard... shall come to know this hammer in ways they shall find most uncomfortable. Quote2
Thor: God of Thunder Vol 1 19
Quote1 If it will end these good people's suffering, then aye... Thor will beg this day. The safety of Broxton and its citizens means more to me than my price ever could. Just tell me, great lord or Roxxon... how much begging will it take to make you feel like a man? Quote2
Thor: God of Thunder Vol 1 22
Quote1 Because we were divided. Because we would not behave as heroes. It was our lack of unity that brought about this great disaster -- it will be our combined might that sets it right. Quote2
Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 20
Quote1 Aye, Asgard will always be my home. But as my mother has taught me... sometimes we must let go of the things we love. Come, Agent Solomon. Mead is calling. Quote2
Thor: God of Thunder Vol 1 24
Quote1 The foundation, the very structure of the cosmos... is a lie. And I... I have a sister. Quote2
Original Sin Vol 1 5.1
Quote1 Are there any in your Heven who have seen a storm? You know wealth, Queen of Angels. You know power. But I fear you know little of thunder. And now... you have made the master of storms your prisoner. And I have called my great servant to me, while you played your games. And though it took time for it to cross the span of realms and meet you... THE STORM IS HERE. Quote2
Original Sin Vol 1 5.4
Quote1 We shall drink this day in victory, or in Valhalla. Either way, I swear to you on the eye of my father... the God of Thunder will raise the first glass. Quote2
Thor: God of Thunder Vol 1 25
Quote1 Aye. It is an end. But to die... striking down the great destroyer? That would be a fitting one. And if you pray. Pray that I am not found wanting. And instead am worthy of such a glorious end. Quote2
Avengers Vol 5 36
Quote1 Should they still desire war, then we will freely slaughter every one of them... they will see what it truly means to be hunted. Quote2
Avengers & X-Men: Axis Vol 1 4
Quote1 This mead will do the job and wash out the filthy taste of the bar wench's "tall boys." Quote2
Axis: Revolutions Vol 1 2
Quote1 If this is our fate, so be it. But if I am to die, let it be with lightning and thunder... and the power of Thorr. Quote2
New Avengers Vol 3 27
Quote1 Unhand my hammer, woman. Or know the wrath of Thor. Quote2
Thor Vol 4 3
Quote1 Sam, you earned the right to drink with Asgard's finest... when thou art old enough to lift a stein. Quote2
Nova Vol 5 25
Quote1 One sibling this annoying is misfortune! What warlock has cursed me with two? Quote2
Angela: Asgard's Assassin Vol 1 2
Quote1 Do not call me by that name. I am not worthy of it. I am still the Prince of Asgard. I am still the Odinson. But she is Thor now. That hammer has the power to destroy worlds, or to save them. Carry it well. Thor. Quote2
Thor Vol 4 4
Quote1 You would die for our sister... tell me what I would not hear. Tell me of this Surtur curse. Quote2
Angela: Asgard's Assassin Vol 1 5
Quote1 For I am the Stormbringer! The Master of Thunders! I am Harrower of Hel and my late father's son! I am all that you have forgotten -- unworthy one! Quote2
New Avengers: Ultron Forever Vol 1 1
Quote1 Doctor Doom. Art thou ready for a hindquarter hammering? Quote2
Deadpool vs. Thanos Vol 1 1
Quote1 Thought I told you to drop this case. Looks like you didn't listen. Good. Maybe now we can get some work done. Quote2
Thors Vol 1 3
Quote1 BY ASGARD!!! From my grasp, the villain doth seize mine uru hammer! IMPOSSIBLE! Quote2
Infinity Entity Vol 1 1
Quote1 Bring me all the mead you can carry. And your fairest maiden. Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 2 7
Quote1 They think me weak because I am unworthy. Let them. I am still a God and more than a God. I am Asgardian-born. The blood-son of Odin, the Lord of the Storm and the Raging Thunder. And I'll be damned if I need a hammer in order to raise some Hel. But this day I will claim one nonetheless. No matter how much blood I must wade through. So swears the unworthy Thor. Quote2
Unworthy Thor Vol 1 3
Quote1 Thanos already has a head. 'Tis guts he is sorely lacking. If he should find some, tell him the Prince of Asgard will be waiting to face him -- hammer in hand! Quote2
Unworthy Thor Vol 1 4
Quote1 Do thy worst against Thor, child -- but I doubt thy magicks will be effective against an Asgardian whose lifespan is far greater than can be imagine! IRON MAN! SMITE HER! Quote2
Avengers Vol 6 5.1
Quote1 We may be... but flesh... and blood... subject to... the vagaries of time... but Mjolnir... is eternal! Quote2
Avengers Vol 6 6
Quote1 What is there to explain, Senator Foster? Or should I call you... The Mighty Thor? Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 2 20
Quote1 They tell me only they can save Jane Foster from the purgatory where she now resides. Only they can restore this realm's connection to Asgard. I sense the lie in this -- but -- he wielded Mjolnir. He was proven worthy, even when I am... not. I -- I don't understand, father. Help mne -- because what they ask me to do now -- is something terrible. Quote2
Secret Empire Vol 1 5
Quote1 I have just participated in the slaughter of sentien creatures. No masster how destructive and dealy were they... that is a line I am never eager to cross. Quote2
Avengers Vol 6 10
Quote1 No more. Do you hear me, Rogers? No more compact. No more compromise. NO MORE! Quote2
Secret Empire Vol 1 9
Quote1 I profess, I had my doubts, but this petrol station serves the finest pork I have ever tasted. Quote2
Thor vs. Hulk: Champions of the Universe Vol 1 6
Quote1 "The world needs a Thor." Aye. And you have been one hel of a Thor, my lady. Frost Giants, The Destroyer, the gods of the Shi'ar, the Phoenix, my bastard back-stabbing brother, my uru-headed father... you have faced them all. Now face this. For the world needs more than just a Thor. It needs you, Jane Foster. All of you. Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 2 702
Quote1 Don't you understand? I'm going to kill you, Hulk! You have to stop talking -- and FIGHT! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 712
Quote1 Thor, God of Thunder... says... as the stars are my witness... it must be us. We... need this. Now more than ever. We three need one another. We cannot run from that, my brothers. We must embrace it. Quote2
Avengers Vol 7 1
Quote1 I've butchered more Giants and Trolls and wicked gods than you could ever imagine. I might mourn your death for a thousand years. But if you insist on doing all you threaten... I WILL KILL YOU. Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 716
Quote1 No, you may not touch my hammer. ... You just wanted me to say that, didn't you? Quote2
Thor Vol 5 1
Quote1 Ah... might either of you know where to find the nearts lavatory? Or perhaps the quickest way to access the sea? Quote2
Avengers Vol 7 8
Quote1 Even now the smell of goat brings a tear to my eye and a stirring to my loins... Quote2
Thor Vol 5 5
Quote1 Lend me your ears and your mead, men of the north! And the God of Thunder will tell you the most harrowing true tales of the greatest viking who ever lived! Quote2
Thor Vol 5 7
Quote1 Doc, I'm going to need your professional opinion. Have I had too much mead today or do I see Deadpool walking through our front yard? Quote2
Deadpool Vol 7 7
Quote1 Do me a favor, though, sister. Always remember... no matter the form he takes... never trust Loki. Quote2
Asgardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 5
Quote1 It's... not heavy at all. It's actually lighter than air. Quote2
Thor Vol 5 14
Quote1 You are alive. Just as sure as you've given life to me. We are bound in blood and thunder forever, my friend. Both of us reborn, renewed. And now, with the great war finally at an end, together we must decide... who we are meant to be. Quote2
Thor Vol 5 15
Quote1 If Thor had a tankard of mead for every would-be lord of the underworld who sought to terrorize the living for their own petty ends... Thor would be drunk and joyous right now. Tell me, King Blaze... does Thor look joyous to you? Quote2
Avengers Vol 7 25
Quote1 Must... hold hammer. Holding hammer... means... still worthy. Still worthy. Still worthy. Still Thor. Thor... not Brood. Not want to kill. Not feed. Not infect. Not bite and tear and slaughter. Quote2
Avengers Vol 7 27
Quote1 Brood Thor will lay his mighty eggs in your soft little face! Quote2
Avengers Vol 7 28
Quote1 You know I leave you here each night for a reason, right? Because if I can't move you out of the way... then I don't deserve to sit there. So let's see where we are today then, shall we? All-Father it is. For another morn at least. So be it. Gods know it's been a long hard road to get to this place. And personally, old friend, I'm rather excited... to see where we go from here. Quote2
King Thor Vol 1 4
Quote1 NO MAN NOR GOVERNMENT OF MAN CLONES THE GOD OF THUNDER! I WILL RIP THEIR BONES FROM THEIR -- wait... they only cloned Thor's head? What has happened to my beautiful and majestic body? Quote2
Captain Marvel Vol 11 14
Quote1 Galan of Taa. On behalf of the countless planets you have destroyed and laid barren in your wake... for Archeopia. For Massikron. For Elynore-143. For Draven-Barr. For Clypse. For Sylus. For IO-X4. For Vanysh IVII. For Kryo. For Korbin. For Zenn-La. For Earth. For Asgard. I sentence you to death. Quote2
Thor Vol 6 6
Quote1 Who... who am I? Where... how did I get to this place? Quote2
Fortnite x Marvel - Nexus War: Thor Vol 1 1
Quote1 I am Thor -- the Gaea-Son! I have quested long, to learn my mother's way! To learn her will! And to those who would control her bounty -- use it to take life, her greatest gift -- I SAY THEE NAY! Mother Gaea plays no favorites, wizards of the Cotati! Her magic is stronger than yours -- and in her name -- LET THY POWER BE REVOKED! Quote2
Empyre Vol 1 6
Quote1 I have feared that I would soon be unable to lift Mjolnir. That somehow... it has grown tired of me... or that I have again become unworthy... but the truth... the truth is much worse... it is not only that I struggle to lift Mjolnir... it is also that everyone else does not. Quote2
Thor Vol 6 7
Quote1 Tony... listen to me very carefully... do not mistake wielding my hammer... for wielding my power. Mjolnir or not, I am still a god. And you... are a tin man in a lightning storm. Quote2
Thor Vol 6 8
Quote1 Midgard is under my protection, as are all the Realms of the World Ash. I have killed hundreds like you!!! All of them claimed to be the one true death! The Living Void! The End! To that I say, I am King Thor Odinson, God of Lightning and Thunder and protector of every realm in this galaxy!!! I SAY WHEN IT ENDS -- AND I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!! Quote2
King in Black Vol 1 3
Quote1 Why are you talking like that? All thees and thys... are you making fun of me? Quote2
Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade Vol 1 1
Quote1 I have come here to tell you that I will live a thousand years and a thousand lifetimes more. And by the gods of the elder, Asgard shall outlive even me... and in that time... I shall remain Asgard's king... but... I am afraid... I can no longer be its hammer. Quote2
Thor Vol 6 15
Quote1 You are powerful, Mjolnir. You are the lightning that walks. A great and dreadful storm. But a storm nonetheless. And I am still your god. Quote2
Thor Vol 6 23
Quote1 Then follow the thunder and fight like mad-eyed berserkers! For Midgard! For one another! For the ruination of devils! AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! Quote2
Avengers Vol 7 55
Quote1 That was no hammer, Troll. That was my fist. Quote2
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2022 2
Quote1 Jane... remember who you are. You are Jane Foster. You're a doctor, a cancer survivor, a Valkyrie, you are ever worthy -- and you have always, always had thunder in your veins. There is no version of you I would not love. Quote2
Jane Foster & the Mighty Thor Vol 1 4
Quote1 I am more than a hammer, King in Black. And if you are god as well as king... you now face The King of Gods. The All-Father of Asgard -- in the full measure of his birthright! Quote2
Thor Vol 6 28
Quote1 I shall not withdraw, for I am the sworn protector of the entire Earth! Which does indeed, include Trenton! Quote2
Damage Control Vol 5 3
Quote1 Thou accused me falsely, Dwarf, and stole from me. No more! I am THOR! And thou shalt trouble me no more! Quote2
Avengers: War Across Time Vol 1 4
Quote1 For all the shock, the World Tree is quick to heal. I can feel the thrum of her voice deep in my bones. A thrum that thanks me. If I am to be All-Father -- truly, and without reservation - these must be my rewards. The joy of knowing that wrongs have been righted. Of knowing that my subjects are safer today than yesterday. Including those who thwart me. Especially those who thwart me. Quote2
Thor Annual Vol 6 1
Quote1 SO MOTE IT BE! Let the God of Thunder ride the Rainbow Bridge once more -- TO MIDGARD! Quote2
Immortal Thor Vol 1 1
Quote1 Worship. Supplication. Adulation. You feed off it, Idol Alabaster. You weaponize it. But I am a god who has never required worship. I have only ever needed the thunder. Quote2
Avengers Vol 8 6
Quote1 Oh, aye. A chunk of metal falls from the sky, and who do you send to smash it to pieces? I do have other qualities, you know. Quote2
Avengers United Infinity Comic Vol 1 2
Quote1 Tormod shall I call thee. For to solve Loki's riddle, my mind must be as keen as thou art... and we shall test the edge of both. Quote2
Immortal Thor Vol 1 3
Quote1 The question -- nnhh -- those like us are always asked. Who's stronger? Can I arm-wrestle the Hulk? Run a race with Quicksilver? Challenge Willie Lumpkin in a contest of wiggling ears? Quickly -- rrh -- measure the results! Write them down, to see who is worthy! But strength is relative to the need for it. If I have to... I can stand on Jupiter. I can stand anything if the need is great and the cause is just -- as can you. As can we all. We are not measured by strength, nor by raw power. The measure of us is what we do... when the need for action lies with us... AND THE HAMMER IS IN OUR HAND. Quote2
Immortal Thor Vol 1 4
Quote1 A dream. Nightmare, you have taken a terrible liberty. My friends are some of the mightiest mortals ever assembled. But they are mortals. Like all mortals, they are at the mercy of their dreams. But I am a God. And what is a God if not a dream that mortals have ever been at the mercy of? AVENGERS... ASSEMBLE! Quote2
Avengers Vol 8 8
Quote1 There is an Utgard-Loki. There is an Utgard-Thor. Are there more? Somewhere... in that forest, beyond that gate... is there an Utgard-Odin? Quote2
Immortal Thor Vol 1 7

My hammer! I can lift it no longer!
Conversation Tail

Well doth Loki know! For with thy features, also have I obtained -- thy power! Not only the evil -- but now the strength as well is mine!
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Thor Vol 1 179
Sssthgar (Earth-616)
The people of Golden Star will slay me once the drug wears off!
Conversation Tail

Then I suggest thou dost begin running, Sssthgar -- as far and as fast as thou canst! There be no room for thee 'pon this craft!
Conversation Tail
Thor Vol 1 213

Thunder God, thou dost amaze me.
Conversation Tail

Why, because I've an attachment to this helmet? Mind thee, it was a gift from my father -- my first war helmet, given me when I was still an adolescent. Does duch sentimentality surprise thee?
Conversation Tail

Nay. Only that thou would have the poor taste to wear the ugly thing. Keep it, yes -- but in the name of mercy, keep it in a dark place.
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Thor Vol 1 225
Well, see ya, Thor. Like they say -- the Force be with you!
Conversation Tail

And with thee, lad... whate'er thou dost mean.
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Thor Vol 1 272

Moondragon... it is not good to tamper overmuch with the natural course of things...
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Heather Douglas (Earth-616)
But this once? For my sake...
Conversation Tail

For... your... sake...
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Heather Douglas (Earth-616)
Love me, Son of Odin! Be thou mine!
Conversation Tail

Aye... thine...
Conversation Tail
Avengers Vol 1 219

Captain America
Thor, I... I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing that.
Conversation Tail

You two are of a select few mortals who have ever watched my change. E'en Iron Man -- with whom I did share the secret of my dual life -- seldom watched me assume my godlike form. I believe it disturbed him.
Conversation Tail

The Wasp
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Avengers Vol 1 232

But how better for a god to die, Surtur of Muspelheim, than facing fearful odds? And when better to die than with a man's sons beside him? For Asgard!
Conversation Tail

For Midgard!
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For myself!
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Thor Vol 1 353

Welcome back, my lord.
Conversation Tail

Toothgrinder, you know me?
Conversation Tail

Of course, Lord Thor. Even without an American Express card, one could hardly fail to recognize Thor, however his exterior was disguised.
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Thor Vol 1 365

It is good to see you again, Balder. What say we have that drink for Skurge?
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The last one through the great gate of Asgard shall pay for it!
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I accept! Let us ride!
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Thor Vol 1 369

By Ymir's frost-covered beard, art thou mad? I create a new secret identity as Sigurd Jarlson-- I entrust one Avenger with my address-- Thou com'st hither to ask my aid-- and then thou wouldst consume fried fowl ere returning to our allies! By my troth, Olympian! Every time I consider thee a full-fledged god, thou remindest me of thy half-human heritage!
Conversation Tail

It has been a long night, Thor! I need strength to exact revenge!
Conversation Tail

I need strength to deal with thee!
Conversation Tail
West Coast Avengers Annual Vol 1 1

I owe you an apology, Captain. When you first spoke to me about your problems, I had doubts... about you. They were quickly erased... when you lifted Mjolnir... for only a man or god worthy -- pure of heart and noble of mind -- could have done so!
Conversation Tail

The Captain
It was quite an experience for me, too! That is one special weapon, Thor! I envy you.
Conversation Tail

A sacred bond unites all those who have e'er been privileged to wield Mjolnir! A bond which stretches far into infinity! I salute you, Captain!
Conversation Tail

The Captain
I hope I'll always be worthy of that honor and privilege, my friend!
Conversation Tail
Thor Vol 1 390

Eric Masterson
So many incredible things have happened to me in the past few days! So many mind-staggering sights... so many changes. No one could have predicted the greatest change of all! No one could have forseen the tragic chain of events which would completely change the destiny of an average guy like Eric Masterson...
Conversation Tail

...and merge him, body and soul, with the mighty Thor! Now, more than e'er before, is the God of Thunder tied to the planet Earth!
Conversation Tail
Thor Vol 1 408

The Goddess
I have many names, Son of Asgard. You would probably best deem me The Goddess. Open yourself up, Thor, and feel the grandeur and the potential for universal nirvana within me.
Conversation Tail

Um... what?
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Thor Vol 1 463

Now and forever more -- I shall show all of Asgard which of us is truly Thor!
Conversation Tail

Thor (Red Norvell)
That's for sure! And when we're finished, I'll be Thor -- and you'll just be sore!
Conversation Tail

Hnnnnh! That jest -- was gray of beard -- when your ancestors did prowl the nighted forests of Europe -- rearing altars to the worship of mine!
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Thor Vol 1 478

Stop me, Thor! Please stop me! If you can!
Conversation Tail

Eric... I shall not fail thee!
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Thunderstrike Vol 1 23
Natalia Romanova (Earth-616)
Black Widow
We're trying to pull the Avengers together again. You were there at the beginning... would you want to re-join us?
Conversation Tail

With all my heart. But... I am a god no longer. I have only a mortal's strength and a mortal's skill. I would not endanger the rest of you.
Conversation Tail
Natalia Romanova (Earth-616)
Black Widow
I see. And you did all of this without any powers? You'll do.
Conversation Tail
Thor Vol 1 495

A blow worthy of a Frost Giant! I am impressed!
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Rogue (Anna Marie) (Earth-616)
Y'think? Then be ready, 'cause I'm about t'get downright amazin' on your big Norse --
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Avengers Vol 1 401

The river's boiling. There's something you don't see every day.
Conversation Tail

"Red" Norvell
Well, it is the East River...
Conversation Tail

All right. It is something you see every day. Still... Hel.
Conversation Tail
Thor Vol 1 502
Thor Odinson (Heroes Reborn) (Earth-616)
Thor (Heroes Reborn)
What? Mine hammer thrust aside by... another hammer! This be impossible!
Conversation Tail

Thor (Earth-616)
You speak strangely, warrior... as though thy tongue were twisted in knots!
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Avengers Vol 2 10
Victor von Doom (Earth-616)
Doctor Doom
What are you doing?
Conversation Tail

Using my hammer to tap into dimension energies... to create a rift in-between realities, where I shall hurl us both... and if I am to spend eternity there, battling you to maintain the safety of two realities... then that is an eternity well spent! Or, to use thy own words... so be it!
Conversation Tail
Heroes Reborn: The Return Vol 1 4

Captain America
What do you feel like?
Conversation Tail

Mead -- and plenty of it!
Conversation Tail

Captain America
Just bring him a chocolate shake.
Conversation Tail
Captain America Vol 3 5

I bid thee, hold! He did steal a kiss from my lips. And dared ask for e'en more.
Conversation Tail

Then... the honor is thine, milady.
Conversation Tail

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Sound Effect
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Volstagg (Earth-616)
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Thor Vol 2 32
Anthony Stark (Earth-616)
Iron Man
Don't you see? You're giving them exactly what they want... an excuse for war!
Conversation Tail

Men have never needed an excuse. Murder is part of the mortal world. Men are ever devising new ways to subjugate and slaughter their brothers in the name of some cause or --
Conversation Tail
Anthony Stark (Earth-616)
Iron Man
Some God? Is that what you were about to say?
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Iron Man Vol 3 64

Captain America
Dropping a nuke on a problem... this isn't the Avengers way, Thor.
Conversation Tail

I... I am no longer an Avenger.
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Avengers Vol 3 63

So mighty Mjolnir is yours. You've finally proven yourself worthy?
Conversation Tail

I have now.
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Thor: Son of Asgard Vol 1 12

I don't understand how this can be. I...I was Donald Blake. He was me.
Conversation Tail
Donald Blake (Earth-616)
Don Blake
That's not the whole and simple truth of it though, Thor -- think about it. I had a lifetime of memories before finding the stick in the cave that transformed into Mjolnir -- and transformed me into you. Something about that last adventure of yours, though...something about your "death..." It freed me from the prison of you. And you...didn't even notice.
Conversation Tail

Blake. I have been...there life is not simple or boring. And while it may pain you to hear it, you are not at the center of it.
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Donald Blake (Earth-616)
Don Blake
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Mighty Thor Vol 1 17

Avengers --
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Simon Williams (Earth-616)
Wonder Man
Say it!
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Avengers Vol 4 34

Thor (Thor Odinson)
Is that...?
Conversation Tail

Thor (Jane Foster)
Best not to get into it.
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Thor (Thor Odinson)
It is Mjolnir! My Mjolnir! How didst thou come to hold---
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Thor (Jane Foster)
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Avengers Vol 6 5

Thor (Thor Odinson)
The name is Thor. Who are you?
Conversation Tail

Thor (Jane Foster)
I am... also called Thor.
Conversation Tail

Thor (Thor Odinson)
A woman Thor? Do not be ridiculous. Did my father send you here to torment me? Is that why you are holding my birthright? My Mjolnir? How... are you holding Mjolnir? How is a wench worthy of the hammer when Thor is not?
Conversation Tail

Thor (Jane Foster)
Perhaps because you use words like wench.
Conversation Tail
Generations Vol 1 4
Stephen Strange (Earth-616)
Doctor Strange
Where have you two been?
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Conversation Tail

Seeking answers from my father in Asgard.
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Smashing and kissing.
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Avengers Vol 7 5
Anthony Stark (Earth-616)
Iron Man
Am I the only one who's suddenly hungry for sushi?
Conversation Tail

The God of Thunder does not eat anything that comes wrapped in weeds of the sea!
Conversation Tail
Anthony Stark (Earth-616)
Iron Man
Fine, we'll get you some nice meat and potatoes. Just be a good god and punch the monster!
Conversation Tail
Avengers Vol 7 9

The God of Thunder is no fool, sister. We did not come here alone. Brunnhilde and I brought backup.
Conversation Tail
Aldrif Odinsdottir (Earth-616)
Splendid. Who is it? Please say Skurge and the Destroyer and the rest of the Asgardians of the Galaxy.
Conversation Tail

My goat. and my dog. Also Valkyrie's horse.
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Aldrif Odinsdottir (Earth-616)
My family is insane.
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Thor Vol 5 8

His coat is quite fetching, dost thou agree?
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Anthony Stark (Earth-616)
Iron Man
No, no, I don't agree, Thor. He looks like a seven-foot-tall dystopian Russian pimp.
Conversation Tail

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Captain Marvel Vol 11 1

We have claimed a hard-fought victory in the greatest war the realms have ever known. Let us enjoy that victory together brother Stark! Here in the Avengers' Tub of Hotness!
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Anthony Stark (Earth-616)
Tony Stark
Okay. Just please stop playing with your hammer in front of me.
Conversation Tail

The God of Thunder makes no promises!
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Avengers Vol 7 21

I told you. I warned you... do you believe me now? Will you relent? Will you yield? Please... brother...
Conversation Tail
Beta Ray Bill (Earth-616)
Beta Ray Bill
I am... not your brother.
Conversation Tail
Thor Vol 6 3

Why... is there puke... everywhere?
Conversation Tail
Carol Danvers (Earth-616)
Captain Marvel
It's a long gross story. but nobody else died and we got the bad guy... so a win all around.
Conversation Tail

Carol. There is puke. On. Mjolnir.
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Carol Danvers (Earth-616)
Captain Marvel
...I'm sorry?
Conversation Tail
Captain Marvel Vol 11 16

All-Father Thor
Wizard! I have need of your assistance!
Conversation Tail

No way! Are you --
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All-Father Thor
Thor? Yes, I am. And you are?
Conversation Tail

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All-Father Thor
Strange, it seems your student is broken.
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Stephen Strange (Earth-616)
Dr. Strange
It's not every day a girl from Kansas runs into a god.
Conversation Tail
Strange Academy Vol 1 8

Boy... look at them... look at their bodies... at how they've been... crushed. You've wielded it for eons now... if anyone knows... it would be you... must I say it?
Conversation Tail

All-Father Thor
No. I see it... they were killed by a hammer. By Mjolnir.
Conversation Tail
Thor Vol 6 19
Anthony Stark (Earth-616)
Iron Man
Um... hypothetical... if someone... say, human... was caught in that blast... like Banner was. Would that -- ?
Conversation Tail

Creat a Hulk? No, sir. It would atomize them.
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Anthony Stark (Earth-616)
Iron Man
Great... and, um... just for giggles... what if they weren't human? What if they were a god?
Conversation Tail

Thor... SMASH!!!
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Hulk Vol 5 7

Hulk Thor
You... you steal Thor's hammer!
Conversation Tail

Aye. You want it back? Come and take it.
Conversation Tail
Thor Vol 6 26

I like your mind. It is amusing. Sometimes annoying but mostly amusing.
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Peter Parker (Earth-616)
You'd be surprised how often I hear that.
Conversation Tail

I would not.
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All-Out Avengers Vol 1 5
Bootleg Thor
Have at thee, knave! Verily, let the thunder of our blows shake the very halls of Valhalla! I say thee yield!
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All-Father Thor
Is that--? Is that really how people think I sound?
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Bootleg Thor
I am the new God of Thunder! I am the new All-Father of Asgard! Verily, that hammer belongs to me!
Conversation Tail

All-Father Thor
If that is so, God of thunder, then -- verily -- take it.
Conversation Tail
Avengers Beyond Vol 1 4

All items (353)
