The Mighty Thor
List of all notable quotes by or about Dirk Garthwaite (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Whoever she was... she's gone! She musta thought I was that other guy... the one she called Loki! I dunno what she did to me... but I like it! I feel like a blasted powerhouse! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 148
Quote1 There he is...! Just the way I knew I'd find 'im! He won't ever fight the Wrecker... or anyone else... any more! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 149
Quote1 If I can beat the mighty Thor so easy... it means that no power in the world can stop me! The whole Earth is mine -- just for the takin'! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 150
Quote1 The only truth is power! The only justice is what the strongest one decides! That's why I gotta win... 'cause I'm the Wrecker! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 171
Quote1 In case ya ain't recognized me, pally -- they call me The Wrecker! My chums are Thunderball... Bulldozer... an' Piledriver! An' when ya put us all t'gether, buster, yer up against -- The WRECKING CREW! Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 17
Quote1 You're not the men you once were anymore, chums -- you're my partners now! From now on, it's The Wrecker... and The Wrecking Crew! Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 18
Quote1 You folks just keep on havin' fun. This is just our way of invitin' that yella skunk Thor ta a little meetin'a the minds we wanna have with him. And we wanna have it here and now. Or else! Boys...? Quote2
Thor Vol 1 304
Quote1 I toldja ya got somethin' we want, hero boy! An' we ain't leavin' without it! I wuz just a common thief 'til I got me that Asgardian enchantment[1] -- an I aim ta get it back! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 28

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